
Eric Nsanzubuhoro Ndushabandi

13 Jun 2022

CASS School of Governance, Development and Society Political science and International relations Public policy analysis, memory, identity, Governance and International politics Eric Ndushabandi Nsanzubuhoro is a Political scientists with a MA in International Relationas and PhD in Political and social sciences from University Saint Louis and universite Catholique de Louvain in Belgium, He is a lecturer at University of Rwanda since 2004, teaching Political science and international, comparative politics, post-conflicts reconstruction policies, memory and identity, Conflicts, domestic and international conflicts, International systems and Global dynamics... Eric was the Deputy-Dean of the school 2014-2016 and He is leading an independent Research think tank and peacebuilding organisation ane engaged in community servoces, medias analysis and trating for leaders, youth and CSOs. nseric26@yahoo.fr / +250788414281 / @EricNdushaband1 "1. Ananda Breed, Chaste Uwihoreye, Eric Ndushabandi, Matthew Elliott, Kirrily Pells, Mobile Arts for Peace (MAP) at Home : Digital art-based mental health provision in response to COVID-19, Journal of Applied Arts & Health Volume 13 Number 1 www.intellectbooks.com Published by Intellect Limited. Article. English language. https://doi.org/10.1386/jaah_00094_1 Received 6 July 2021 ; Accepted 5 October 2021 on https://docserver.ingentaconnect.com/deliver/connect/intellect/20402457/v13n1/s6.pdf?expires=1648729820&id=0000&titleid=75007831&checksum=2D3D9874F7EB56446E96E663D5F833DE
2. (Book co-ed)Eric Ndushabandi, et Alii, (Book), Historical trauma and memory : Living with the haunting power of the past : Conference Proceedings, Conference, available at Historical trauma and mem | E-book | African Sun Media Store (it.si), eISBN : 9781991201591, Publisher : African Sun Media, 2021
3. Eric Ndushabandi et alii, (Article), ‘No-One Can Tell a Story Better than the One Who Lived It’ : Reworking Constructions of Childhood and Trauma Through the Arts in Rwanda, Springer, ’No-One Can Tell a Story Better than the One Who Lived It’ : Reworking Constructions of Childhood and Trauma Through the Arts in Rwanda - PubMed (nih.gov), 2021
4. Eric Ns. Ndushabandi, The Deconstruction of Ethnic Identity : Germany, France, and Rwanda, in Franco-German Relations Seen from Abroad, Springer International Publishing, 2021. Online : The Deconstruction of Ethnic Identity : Germany, France, and Rwanda | springerprofessional.de
5. Eric Ns. Ndushabandi et alii., Distributing social transfers in Rwanda : The case of the Vision 2020 Umurenge Programme (VUP), online, https://www.effective-states.org//wp content/uploads/2020/10/esid_wp_160_williams_nzahabwanayo_lavers_ndushabandi.pdf , Effective States and Inclusive Development Research Centre (ESID), Global Development Institute, School of Environment, Education and Development, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, UK
6. Eric Ns. Ndushabandi, (with Olivia Rutazibwa), Agaciro, in Pluriverse : A Post-Development Dictionary, 2019.
7. (Book) Nsanzubuhoro Ndushabandi (With Media Kagaba), Intrafamily conflict. A Constant challenge to Peace in Rwanda, LAP LAMBERT Academic. https://www.amazon.es/IntraFamily-conflicts-constant-Challenge-Rwanda/dp/6138389883
8. Eric Ndushabandi et alii., “National ownership and donor involvement : an aid paradox illustrated by the case of Rwanda”, in Third World Quarterly, School of Global Studies, 2016, "

Department of Social Sciences


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