
Dr. Mushimiyimana Emmanuel

13 Jun 2022

CASS Governance, Development and Society Political Science and International Relations Political Economy Emmanuel Mushimiyimana is a lecturer in the school of Governance, Development and Society from May 2009, from the University of Rwanda. He holds PhD in Political Science, from the University of Leipzig, Germany. He publishes on mining regulation, globalisation and the East Africa. mushimiyimana.emmy@gmail.com, tel 0788777639 "1. Mulinda, C.K., Gisaro, M. Y., Mushimiyimana, E. (2019) A history of technological innovations of Gakinjiro wood and metal workshops, African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development, 11:1, 85-95, DOI : 10.1080/20421338.1550928.

2. Mushimiyimana, E. (2017) “An assessment of the Contribution of Mineral Exports to Rwanda’s Total Exports”. In : Heshmati A. (eds) Studies on Economic Development and Growth in Selected African Countries. Frontiers in African Business Research. Springer, Singapore

3. Mushimiyimana, E. (2016). “Benefit Cost Analysis of Integration of Rwanda in the East African Community”, in Almas Heshmati (ed) Economic Integration, Currency Union and Sustainable and Inclusive Development in East Africa, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, (pp.193-214)."
Dr Vedaste Ndizera Lecturer School Industrial Attachment Coordinator CASS Governance, Development and Society Political Science and International Relations Governance, regional Integration, language and politics, Development Dr. Vedaste Ndizera is a Lecturer at the University of Rwanda, College of Arts and Social Sciences, Department of Political Science and International Relations. He holds a Ph.D. in Governance and Regional Integration, an MBA/Global Business, an MA/Tourism Management and a BA/English (Translation and Interpreting). Dr. Vedaste Ndizera is currently on a post-doctoral fellowship jointly offered by the School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg, Sweden and Centre for Conflict Management (UR). He has got extensive experience in academics and his current research interests include : Regional Integration (Africa), Governance, Pan-Africanism and Development. Dr Ndizera is also a catalyst (fellow) of the Berkeley Initiative for Transparency and Reproducibility in Social Sciences Research, (BITSS), University of Calfornia Berkely. He has presented his research output at various conferences both nationally and internationally. v.ndizera@ur.ac.rw vedasten2009@gmail.com, ndiveda " Ndizera, V. & Muzee, H. (2018). A critical review of Agenda 2063 : Business as Usual ? African Journal of Political Science and International Relations Vol. 12 No. 12 October 8, 2018.

 Ndizera, V. (2018). Integrated marketing communication for tourism and hospitality : A Case of Selected Star and Non-star Category Rwandan Hotels. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, Vol. 7 No.4, ISSN 2223-814X.

 Nishimwe, S & Ndizera, V. (2020). The Role of East African Community in Promoting Peace and Security : case study of Rwanda and Uganda, International Journal of Social Sciences, (Pending Publication)

 Ndizera, V. Ngarambe, T. Ntakirutimana, E. (2022). Power relations in Bible translation : A socio-linguististic analysis of Selected passages from Genesis. The South African Journal of African Languages. (Pending publication)

 Ndizera, V., Nkaka, R. Kambanda, S. (2022). Public participation in African indigenous governance systems : Evidence from Rwanda, in H. Muzee, T. E. Sunjo and A. O. Enaifoghe (editors). Democracy and Africanness : Contemporary Issues in African Democratization Process, Gewerbestrasse : Springer Nature (Accepted for publication)"


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